POC-OC-122430-Nd:YLF Crystal

  • Long fluorescence lifetime (485 μs for 1% Nd doping)
  • High UV transparency and wide transparency range (180–6700 nm)
  • Low thermal conductivity but low thermal lensing distortion
  • High optical quality and uniformity with Czochralski growth
  • Customizable specifications for rods, slabs, and dopant concentrations

Customizable Components Available for This Material to Meet Your Specific Needs!

Nd:YLF Crystal Material General Description

Nd:YLF Crystal is a widely used laser material in solid-state laser systems, especially for continuous-wave and pulsed operations at 1047 nm and 1053 nm. Its tetragonal structure and wide transparency range make it suitable for both fundamental and higher harmonic generations. The lower thermal conductivity compared to Nd:YAG results in reduced thermal distortions, achieving superior beam quality.

Nd:YLF Crystal  is grown using the precise Czochralski method to ensure excellent quality and minimal scattering losses. These qualities make it ideal for high-energy and high-precision laser systems in industries such as medical, scientific research, and manufacturing


General Applications and Examples

Nd:YLF Crystals are ideal for numerous laser applications, including:

  • Continuous-wave (CW) and pulsed laser operations at 1047 nm and 1053 nm.
  • Material processing such as cutting, welding, and drilling.
  • Medical applications like ophthalmic surgery using laser systems.
  • Scientific applications in Raman lasers and harmonic generation systems.
  • Aerospace and defense for laser rangefinders and LIDAR systems.

Nd:YLF Crystal also offers self-polarization for certain orientations, making it particularly useful in resonators and high-precision applications.

Chemical and Structural Properties



Chemical Formula


Crystal Structure


Lattice Constants

a = 5.16, c = 10.85

Nd Concentration

~1.4 x 10²⁰ for 1% Nd doping


3.99 g/cm³

Melting Point



300 Knoop

Thermal Expansion Coefficient

8.3 x 10⁻⁶ parallel c-axis

Thermal Conductivity

0.063 W/cm·K

Specific Heat

0.79 J/g·K

Optical, Laser and Nonlinear Optical Properties



Transparency Range

180–6700 nm

Peak Stimulated Emission Cross Section

1.2 x 10⁻¹⁹ cm² at 1053 nm

Fluorescence Lifetime

485 μs for 1% Nd doping

Scatter Losses


Refractive Index (at 1050 nm)

n₀ = 1.448, nₑ = 1.470

Standard Fabrication Specifications




c-cut, a-cut

Surface Quality

10/5 scratch/dig

Wavefront Distortion

λ/4 @ 633 nm


λ/8 @ 633 nm


<20 arc sec


<15 arc min


≤0.2 mm x 45°

End Coating

R < 0.2% @ 1047/1053 nm

Damage Threshold

>10 J/cm² @ 1047/1053 nm, 10 ns, 10 Hz

Spectrum Transmission Curve:

The wide transparency range from UV to near IR is shown in the available data. Absorption peaks at 792 nm and 797 nm correspond to pump wavelengths, while emission peaks align with lasing wavelengths of 1047 nm and 1053 nm. The high transparency in UV and IR makes Nd:YLF suitable for diverse optical systems.

POC-Nd YLF Crystal Spectrum Absorption and emission Curve

Coating Specification:


Nd:YLF Crystals can be AR-coated for wavelengths 1047 nm and 1053 nm. Coating options include:

  • R < 0.2% @ 1047/1053 nm (AR-coated)
  • Custom coating options available upon request.
  • Adhesion Test Compliant with MIL-C-675C military standards, an adhesion test involved applying a tape that meets LT-90 specifications onto the lens film layer. The tape was affixed fully and then removed vertically. This procedure was performed three times, resulting in no blistering or peeling.
  • Temperature Test In line with MIL-C-675C specifications, test pieces were subjected to temperatures of -62±1℃ and 71±1℃. After maintaining them at room temperature (16℃~32℃) for two hours, the adhesion test was repeated, confirming no film detachment.
  • Abrasion Resistance Test Conforming to MIL-C-675C and CCC-C-440 standards, the abrasion resistance test involved a gauze tester applying a minimum force of 1.0 lbs (0.45 kg) to the film. This was repeated 25 times with gauze widths of 1/4 inch (6.4mm) and 3/8 inch (9.5mm), ensuring no damage occurred to the film surface.
  • Humidity Test Under MIL-C-675C criteria, the test piece was placed in a controlled temperature and humidity chamber set to 49 ±2℃ and 95%~100% humidity for 24 hours. The film remained intact, with no peeling, scratches, or other defects.
  • Solvent and Cleaning Testing Following MIL-C-675C specifications, test pieces were exposed to room temperature conditions (16℃~32℃) and tested with acetone and alcohol for at least 10 minutes each. After air drying and subsequent cleaning with a cotton cloth soaked in alcohol, the film surface showed no signs of peeling or scratches.
  • Salt Spray Test After 100 hours in a 35°C environment with a 5% saltwater concentration, the film showed no signs of damage.


POC Strength and Capabilities


Photonics On Crystals (POC) offers high-quality Nd:YLF Crystals grown using the Czochralski method. With precise control over doping levels, dimensions, and surface quality, POC ensures that each crystal meets the most demanding laser requirements. POC also offers customizable products and coatings to fit specific laser system designs.

Standard Products

Face Dimensions


Doping Levels

Coating Options

Price (USD)

3 x 3 mm

5 mm


AR (R < 0.2% @ 1047/1053 nm)


10 x 10 mm

20 mm


AR (R < 0.2% @ 1047/1053 nm)





