POC-OC-122461-Tm:KYW Crystal

  • Broad fluorescence band for efficient lasing.
  • Large emission cross-section enabling high-energy output.
  • Relatively low upper-level lifetime for fast energy release.
  • Optically biaxial structure with excellent birefringence properties.
  • Custom crystal dimensions and specifications available upon request.

Customizable Components Available for This Material to Meet Your Specific Needs!

Tm:KYW Crystal Material General Description

Tm:KYW (Thulium-doped Potassium Yttrium Tungstate) crystals are high-performance solid-state laser materials designed for CW and Q-switched laser applications emitting near the 2 µm wavelength range. The double tungstate structure of Tm:KYW  makes it optically biaxial, with a wide fluorescence band and large emission cross-section. These properties are especially valuable in generating femtosecond pulses in solid-state laser systems. Tm:KYW also demonstrates superior thermal stability, making it suitable for high-power operations while ensuring minimal thermal lensing effects.


Tm:KYW Crystal General Applications and Examples

Tm:KYW crystals find application across a diverse range of fields due to their unique laser output capabilities and stable performance. Specific use cases include:

  1. Medical Applications: In surgery, particularly in laser ablation, implant procedures, and dermatology.
  2. Environmental Monitoring: Precision spectroscopy for atmospheric and pollutant analysis.
  3. Industrial Metrology: Integration into laser systems for material processing, distance measurement, and 3D mapping.
  4. Defense and Aerospace: Usage in laser rangefinders and lidar systems for advanced tracking and reconnaissance.
  5. Tm:KYW Crystal in Research: Generation of ultrafast femtosecond laser pulses in optical and photonics laboratories.

Chemical and Structural Properties



Chemical Formula


Doping Concentration

~5 at.% (typical)


6.5 g/cm³

Mohs Hardness


Melting Point


Crystal Structure


Refractive Index (1040 nm)

2.015 (Np), 2.021 (Nm), 1.997 (Ng)

Thermal Conductivity

3.5 W/m·K

Thermal Expansion Coefficient

αx = 13 x 10⁻⁶, αy = 10 x 10⁻⁶, αz = 15 x 10⁻⁶ K⁻¹

Optical, Laser and Nonlinear Optical Properties

Optical Property


Absorption Peak Wavelength

802 nm

Absorption Bandwidth

~5.5 nm

Absorption Cross-Section

5.2 × 10⁻²⁰ cm²

Emission Wavelength

1910 nm

Emission Cross-Section

1.15 × 10⁻²⁰ cm²

Fluorescence Lifetime

17 µs

Typical Doping Level

~5 at.%

Standard Fabrication Specifications





Clear Aperture


Face Dimensions Tolerance

±0.1 mm

Length Tolerance

±0.1 mm

Parallelism Error

<20 arcsec

Perpendicularity Error

<10 arcmin

Surface Quality

20-10 S-D

Surface Flatness

λ/10 @ 632.8 nm

Protective Chamfers

<0.1 mm × 45°

Laser Induced Damage Threshold (LIDT)

>10 J/cm² @ 1900 nm, 10 ns



Spectrum Transmission Curve:

Tm:KYW crystals exhibit broad absorption and emission bands peaking at 802 nm (absorption) and 1910 nm (emission). The wide spectral bandwidth supports their efficient lasing performance, especially for femtosecond pulse generation. The absorption curve demonstrates strong peaks in alignment with diode-pumping wavelengths, ensuring optimal energy transfer efficiency.

POC-Tm KYW Crystal Spectrum Absorption and emission Curve

Coating Specification:


  • AR coating on both faces: R < 0.2% at 802 nm, 1900-2000 nm.
  • Custom coating configurations available upon request for specific laser systems.
  • Adhesion Test Compliant with MIL-C-675C military standards, an adhesion test involved applying a tape that meets LT-90 specifications onto the lens film layer. The tape was affixed fully and then removed vertically. This procedure was performed three times, resulting in no blistering or peeling.
  • Temperature Test In line with MIL-C-675C specifications, test pieces were subjected to temperatures of -62±1℃ and 71±1℃. After maintaining them at room temperature (16℃~32℃) for two hours, the adhesion test was repeated, confirming no film detachment.
  • Abrasion Resistance Test Conforming to MIL-C-675C and CCC-C-440 standards, the abrasion resistance test involved a gauze tester applying a minimum force of 1.0 lbs (0.45 kg) to the film. This was repeated 25 times with gauze widths of 1/4 inch (6.4mm) and 3/8 inch (9.5mm), ensuring no damage occurred to the film surface.
  • Humidity Test Under MIL-C-675C criteria, the test piece was placed in a controlled temperature and humidity chamber set to 49 ±2℃ and 95%~100% humidity for 24 hours. The film remained intact, with no peeling, scratches, or other defects.
  • Solvent and Cleaning Testing Following MIL-C-675C specifications, test pieces were exposed to room temperature conditions (16℃~32℃) and tested with acetone and alcohol for at least 10 minutes each. After air drying and subsequent cleaning with a cotton cloth soaked in alcohol, the film surface showed no signs of peeling or scratches.
  • Salt Spray Test After 100 hours in a 35°C environment with a 5% saltwater concentration, the film showed no signs of damage.

POC Strength and Capabilities


Photonics On Crystals (POC) has established itself as a leading provider of custom optical crystals, catering to a global clientele across medical, industrial, and scientific sectors. With a focus on high precision, POC offers:

  • Expertise in tailoring doping levels for application-specific needs.
  • Advanced coating technologies for optimal laser performance.
  • A wide inventory of standard and customizable crystal dimensions.
  • Support for high-power laser systems with precision-cut crystals.

Standard Products

Face Dimensions


End Faces



Price (USD)

3 x 3 mm

2 mm

Brewster-angle cut




3 x 3 mm

2 mm

Right-angle cut


AR@802 nm + 1900-2000 nm






Custom coating options available
